The Gospel of Luke, chapter 9:62

Today’s gospel passage reminds us that the person who has been called to follow Christ will have to stick with it and constantly keep going in spite of problems. It sounds like a harsh message when Jesus insists, “whoever loves father or mother, son or daughter, more than Me is not worthy of Me.” Is Jesus advocating that we reject our parents, our brothers and sisters, in order to follow Him? Not at all. He is simply stating that love of Him must come first in our lives. This love is the greatest love of all for it is Godlike and, if we have it and nourish it, it will perfect family love; the love between parents and children.

The family of today can benefit from this message. How often we see families today torn apart by petty jealousies, rivalries and animosities! If only they could put Christ in the home, if only they could rise above mean-spiritness and put on the spirit of Christ. What a transformation would take place in their family relationships!

Following Christ in today’s world means some cross bearing. That is why Christ says: “He who will not take up his cross and come after Me is not worthy of Me.” This might mean making heavy sacrifices, and appearing to be stubborn. In any case, it means a good deal of selflessness, and steadfastness.

Jesus insists that we must live our lives in concert with Him. Day in and day out, we are required to make tough judgment calls informed by Christian love. In any given moment of our lives, we must be ready to opt for Christ.

The one thing all successful people have in common is their commitment to their task. Without commitment they will fail. Jesus requires commitment of all His followers. That is why He says in today’s gospel passage: “whoever puts his hand to the plow but keeps looking back is unfit for the reign of God.”

Fr. Hugh Duffy