Gospel of John, chapter 9:17

For most of us, sight is a normal part of our anatomy. We don’t have to buy it or pay anything extra for it. Sight just comes along with being born. Insight, on the other hand, has to be earned. We are not born with it; it is the fruit of learned experience.

Since this is the case, I’d like to invite you to imagine what it would be like to be without sight.

Don’t close your eyes; keep them open! You’ll need to be wide awake to absorb this scriptural message and understand it. As you continue to read, notice what you’re seeing here on this page, and beyond the page in your home and about you, Suppose you were seeing these things for the first time! Stop reading, look around and ask yourself what you see; and how you feel about what you see?

Now, what do you see? The style of the print on this page? A typographical error? The comment or comments at the end of this blog? The sweet musical video? The people around or near you? Now ask yourself: am I paying attention to what I am seeing and reading?

Now, think about the man in today’s gospel who was born blind from birth. Try to visualize the rush of form, color, texture and dimension that exploded upon him as he received sight from Jesus’ touch. Picture what he saw when his eyes gazed upon the person of Jesus. What did he see? A young man bearded and bedraggled? An itinerant preacher, a carpenter? No, what the man-once-blind saw was more than that. What he saw was love at first sight. No wonder he rose to Jesus’ defense when detractors tried to make little of his gift of healing! No wonder his insight revealed such discernment about the person of Jesus!

Now, back to you, what do you see as you reflect on this message? Do you see the love of God beckoning to you in scripture? Do you see God’s love in those around you as did the blind man who was given the gift of sight for the first time? Imagine how he felt at the touch of Jesus? Imagine how you can feel if you let Jesus open your eyes?

Everyone has at least one blind spot. Use this time to focus on your blind spot, that part of yourself you generally refuse to look at clearly. Bring it out into the light and with Jesus’ help cast it away, so you can be healed of your blindness.

At the same time, remember that, only for the Lord, you would be in darkness. Discover the unique light that is within you and bring that light to others.

Let is shine and let it light up the lives of others.

Fr. Hugh Duffy