Psalm 147:11
Christmas day has passed, but the spirit of Christmas lasts.
We need to think about this, and do something about it for Jesus was born to show us how to live, to come into our lives every day, and to raise us up, not only on the last day, but every day of our waking lives.
Have you thought about how you can please God? You cannot impress Him with your efforts and accomplishments. He doesn’t need them. But, you can delight in the Lord by putting your hope in His unfailing love. Yes, that’s it. God is love, and He has brought this love down to earth by the birth of His son. We hope in God’s unfailing love when we count on His faithfulness to us by doing His will.
Most of us would easily accept the fact that we can take pleasure in God by marveling at the works of His creation, and by tasting the joy of Christ’s birth at Christmas. Yet it is surprising, perhaps even shocking, to think that God can take pleasure in us. Even as parents delight in their children, so our Heavenly Father delights in us. For when we trust Him; when we place our confidence in His love, God is pleased. Wow! Think about it! God does not demand sacrifices of us, but steadfast love.( Hosea 6:6 ). He wants us to delight in His love.
God holds up His only begotten son as an example of His delight. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Math 3:17). Jesus pleased His Heavenly Father by doing His will. Whenever we do God’s will, we give pleasure to God just as a child gives pleasure to a parent when he/she obeys what the parent expects of him/her.
The way we delight in God is by being faithful; by keeping His Commandments; or, ultimately, by following the example of His only begotten Son. Why did God send His only begotten Son into the world in the first place? Was it not that we might have the freedom of the children of God to follow the example of the Son, and avoid the sin of the world?
God always takes pleasure in His faithful ones; and delights in saying to them when the day is done:
“Well done, good and faithful servant! Come on in and share your Master’s joy.” (Math. 25:21).
We should reciprocate by delighting in His love.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
The Perfect Gift!
What is This Thing Called FAITH?
Fr. Hugh Duffy’s latest book is available from Itasca Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and the Apple iBookstore in both paperback and eBook versions.
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