Gospel of Matthew, chapter 21:43
Think of what is happening in our society with two protest movements: One group, the tea party, which is rallying against abuses in government; and another group of protestors rallying against abuses in wall street financial institutions. Today’s scripture also calls for accountability from us in our dealings with God, and our fellow man.
Jesus directed this message to the Jewish leadership of his day who then tried to arrest Him (Matthew 21:46). The parable of the tenants in the vineyard (Matthew 21:43) has a lot to teach us about stewardship. It is applicable to church leaders in particular and to all of God’s people in general. We are, as followers of Christ, expected to cultivate and manage God’s blessings in such a way that our efforts bear good fruit.
The parable teaches us about the providential care of God: “there was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a watchtower” (Matthew 21:33). The landowner represents God the Father, and the vineyard is His kingdom. The parable continues: “then he leased it to tenants and went to another country” (Matthew 21:33). What a marvelous depiction of God’s trust in us! God does not stand looking over our shoulders like a hard taskmaster to make sure we do the right thing. He leaves the job to us. He trusts that we will do the right thing. Patiently, He sends messenger after messengers to the tenants to remind them of their responsibility, but the tenants beat them and kill them. The messengers are the prophets and the saints whom the tenants persecuted or martyred. Finally there comes a last chance when God sends His only Son. No wonder the Jewish leadership was incensed! They tried to arrest the Son whom they finally crucified because He threatened their positions of power.
If we should behave like these abusive tenants, the Lord will transfer our privileges to others who are more responsible. The message of today’s scripture is applicable to those who work in government; in financial institutions; and in the church. Everyone belongs to the Lord, and we are His stewards.
We are ultimately accountable to God for the way we use or abuse our God-given privileges. God has given us all that we need to use responsibly but not to abuse them.
May God give us the wisdom and courage never to abuse His blessings but rather to use them for His glory to bless others.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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