The Gospel of Mark 1:15
Can you hum a tune that has no rhythm or notes? Can you appreciate a painting that lacks form or frame? The greatest melody needs musicians, notes, singers, in order to be heard. The finest painting requires a canvas and a brush. Lacking these things; there is no art. Lacking the co-operation of the least among us, God’s mission of redeeming the world will fall on deaf ears, and will not be heard.
Unfortunately, we often tend to think of a “mission” in terms of a place where poor people go when there is no more hope. Mission has taken on the meaning of a last resort for the helpless. Yet, a careful examination of today’s scripture reveals that, like a great melody or masterpiece in oils, your Christian calling grants you the freedom to create a genuine work of art; a true masterpiece out of the most precious of all materials, your own life.
Today’s scripture outlines the components with which to fashion our mission: conversion and belief in the good news. In the gospel, Jesus explains that our mission is to reform our lives in order to be “fishers” of men; that is, to lead others to God.
The disciples of Jesus abandoned their old way of life, difficult as that was to do. Imagine yourself leaving your home tomorrow to begin a totally new way of life that is not planned. Talk about conversion! The disciples changed their way of living; they reformed their lives and discovered a new mission; a mission to spread the good news they believed in.
If a person willingly changes his or her life, he or she will find the love and freedom promised by Christ. But more than that, such a person will also find that very real gift we all seek: joy! The Christian may not be the brightest person on the block, the wisest person in the office, the most successful person in the city. But the true Christian will be joyful. In the worst of surroundings, the Christian can still rejoice. That is why Christianity thrives today even under the burdens of poverty and abundance, because the Christian mission delivers joy even in the worst of circumstances.
We could describe the Christian mission as a jubilant kicking up of heels. Sadly, most Christians don’t see their mission as much to get excited about. However, if we really are going to let the good news of the gospel shape our lives, it’s time to rejoice and kick up our heels.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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