Gospel of Luke, chapter 22:26
The first Pope John Paul, like his predecessor, Pope John XXIII, only served as Pope for a short time. Yet these two men accomplished much. John Paul I loved to hold public conversations with children and to serve as their teacher in lieu of the traditional papal audience. While adults sat in awe of this Pope, the children responded immediately to the warmth and love of his gentleness. He obviously loved children and they understood his calm, measured warmth. In the few short weeks of his reign as pope, in the midst of all his duties, he had time for little children. He did not carry his own position and power so solemnly that he had no time for the humble man and woman who taught their children about Jesus or who sat them on the knee as they told them about the faith.
Most Americans would probably say they believe in equality among people because our whole system of government is based on the belief that all are created equal. But, ever since the Declaration of Independence was written, Americans have allowed many customs to obscure their belief in equality. Large segments of our people have been discriminated against because of color, race and religion. Secular and ecclesiastical leaders are often surrounded with undue pomp and circumstance. We easily give pride of place to those with “celebrity status,” no matter how they achieved it.
The astounding thing is that Jesus was a leader who insisted on being the servant of all, a person who believed in the equality on which our democracy rests.
Leadership is a valuable gift to the community. A leader is able to draw the best out of the members of the community so that they can work together toward a common goal. A good leader has the wisdom to understand the talents of different people and can get those people to cooperate with each other in order to serve the community. The stronger the leader, the better the community. Jesus promotes dedicated leadership molded after His example. The “world” unfortunately, often promotes the wrong people into positions of leadership; people who lack the ability to be honest, to be truly knowledgeable, to inspire, to have the wisdom to understand the talents of different people. When this happens, leaders begin to demand special status, special titles, special clothing, and almost any symbol that will convince people they are “leaders.” A truly gifted leader does not need these symbols of power because his or her own talent speaks for itself; it is a living proof of leadership.
Jesus was a servant to His people and yet their leader, as well. Servant and Leader! Hardly sounds possible? It was for Jesus and has been for those who are truly great leaders ever since.
Let us pray for all people in positions of leadership, big and small. Pray that they be true to their calling; that they be examples of leadership like Christ, who came “to serve, not to be served.”
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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