“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.” Mark 9 : 37
When Jesus announced to His followers His mission to fulfill God’s will by being handed over to suffering and death, you could almost feel the tension in the air ( Mark 10 : 30-37 ). The scene quickly deteriorated into ironic comedy. The disciples not only did not get it, they began to bicker among themselves about who was the greatest in the Lord’s kingdom.
Jesus doesn’t allow his disciples to get away with their misinterpretation and ensuing childishness. Instead, He takes advantage of the situation to teach them that true greatness is coextensive with childlikeness. In contrast to their childishness, Jesus urges His followers to be childlike, to be open and receptive like a child. He rescues His followers from their adult foolishness by offering them the image of the child and by calling upon all who would follow Him to become like little children in spirit.
This was a revolutionary doctrine then and it still is today. In Jesus’ day children had no rights. But, Jesus was driving at something deep within our spiritual psyches. He was pointing out the need to strip away appearances as does the unassuming child and to open ourselves up to God’s love. “The child,” as the poet Wordsworth remarked, is “the father of the man,” because the innocence of the child can liberate the adult from the burdens of prejudice and sin, from the accumulation of bad habits and bad influences, acquired through compromise with the ‘world.’
Throughout His life, Jesus was criticized and mocked by the ‘clever’ people of His day, those self-righteous Scribes and Pharisees and Saducees who tried to undermine His message of love by quoting and twisting to their advantage minute details of the law. In instance after instances, the lord exposed their insincerity by showing how they abused their authority as teachers by perverting the spirit of the law to suit their own selfish desires. It was to the decent people with the spirit of the child that the Lord announced the good news.
Jesus is asking His followers to awaken to the spirit of the child within.
That is why He says: “unless you become as little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
-Fr. Hugh Duffy
russell marker
Thank You Father!! Enjoy all of your posts and blogs.
Hugh Duffy
Glad you find them helpful, Russell
Vincent Lloyd
Hello Fr. Duffy….This is Vincent. I am at Shands getting radiation. I am doing very well, and derive a great deal from your teachings. Hopfully, we will meet in Rome again. God Bless you and your work. V.
Hugh Duffy
Great to hear from you, Vincent. Shands! Where’s that?
Always good to hear from you, and to know your spirits are good. Enjoyed meeting you in Rome a while back. I’m in Palm Springs on a Cross Mission, and leave here on Tuesday for an event in Washington.
Let’s keep in touch, at least in our prayers.
Hugh Duffy
Hugh Duffy
Great to hear from you Vincent. Shards! Where’s that?
Angel Hauch
Hello Father Duffy. Just wanted to say thank you for your insightful and thought provoking posts. I pray God keeps you healthy as you pursue your demanding schedule. Come visit soon. 😇
Hugh Duffy
Great hearing from you, Angel, and for your kind thoughts for my health. I’m in Palm Springs, CA at the moment, having completed another Cross Mission. On Tuesday, I fly to Washington for another event before returning to Florida. I hope to take it easy after that.
Glad you derive inspiration from my blogs. That’s what they’re meant to do.
Robert Galligan
Thank you Father. Always inspiration.