Gospel of John, chapter 20:21

The message of Pentecost offers an inspiring solution to the problems of divisiveness in our times. It is a message of unity; something which everyone wants, but which will elude us if we seek it in all the wrong places.

Before Jesus left this world, He prayed that His followers be united so that their unity would draw others to Him (John 17:1-11) Unity cannot be achieved without effort. Our world has enough problems of its own without adding to them by our failure to work together as Christians to bring Christ to a broken world.

We must return to the spiritual principle of our unity as children of God; “there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in every one” (1 Corinthians 12:6). God is bigger than all of us, and if we seek Him with a clear heart and a good conscience we will all find a meaningful place in His scheme of things.

Unity among Christians is like the unity of different parts of the body: “the body has many members, but all the members, many though they are, are one body.” (1 Corinthians 12:12). Everything we do must be done with a view to promoting the common good. Technology, money, education and drugs must be used to promote rather than hinder the common welfare of mankind.

The source of our unity is the Holy Spirit who unites us: “all of us have been given to drink of the one spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13). Our spiritual unity with God enables us to grow harmoniously despite differences in personality, roles and functions. Scientific progress and technological developments can give glory to God when they are cultivated responsibly by people who are conscious of their dependence on God and their need for one another.
May the gifts of unity, peace and love this Pentecost abide with you forever.

Fr. Hugh Duffy