A deaf mute, seeking a cure, is brought before Jesus. He took the man aside, “put His fingers into his ears and touched his tongue with spittle. Then, looking up to Heaven, he said to him, “Ephphatha”; that is, “Be opened.” The man’s ears were opened, and the ligament of his tongue was loosened, and he spoke clearly. (MK. 7:33-35). Those who witnessed this healing miracle were overcome with “unbounded admiration,” that Jesus “has done all things well,” making “the deaf hear and the dumb speak” (MK. 7-37).

What do you make of this miracle? How does it affect you? Do you pray that Jesus open your ears and loosen your tongue to hear and speak the truth? This is an important message at a time when a war against truth itself is being waged by conspiracy theorists throughout the globe. There are many people today who cannot hear. Yes, they hear the news and are so troubled by it that their ears are deadened to the truth. We need to have our ears opened and our tongues freed to enjoy and soar with the truth. The message here is that Jesus is seeking to cure you of your spiritual deafness and dumbness. He wants to open your ears to his good news of a loving God, and wants to loosen your tongues, enabling you to speak clearly the language of love in your dealings with all others.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if God decided to install an answering machine in heaven? Imagine praying to Him, here and now, and getting this response: “All of our angels are busy helping other worshippers right now. Your call is important to us, so don’t hang up. Your call will be answered in “the order received,” or “please call again during our regular hours.”

But, that is not how God works.

We worship a God who answers all our calls, day and night, including weekends. He may not answer your call the way you want it to be answered or on your time, but answer your call, He will. His line is always open and ready to help you. Our God is present to us always, and wants to open our ears to His good news and to loosen our tongues to share His word.

Are you prepared to open your ears to the word of God in Scripture, and to practice what you hear? That is the crux of the matter. Or, are you like those whom Jesus berated for having ears, but hear not, for having eyes, but see not, and for having tongues, but speak not?

On the contrary, be prepared to let the word of God influence your hearing and your speech, thus drawing others to be influenced by the good news of the Gospel?

The ongoing miracle of God’s presence among us is that He can open our ears and our minds to understand the good news daily, and loosen our tongues to inspire and uplift others.

—Fr. Hugh Duffy