Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5:44
Henry was pushing the speed limit, going northbound on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, New York. He was headed to a business meeting and he had no time to spare. His eyes darted around as he surveyed the other cars, and he quickly maneuvered his way through the traffic like a rattlesnake in the rocks. Just as Henry was about to enter the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, he was cut off by a vehicle turning in from the service road. Henry opened his window and bellowed out some insults. Sam, the other driver didn’t want to take that lying down. He was in a rush as well. So Sam cut Henry off at the next turn. Henry’s escalating tension now turned to anger at this nervy driver who had now ticked him off twice. Within seconds, Henry cut him off, leaving only inches between the two cars. The heat escalated as the two guys drove like manic daredevils. Just as Henry thought he had left the other car in a cloud of dust, he looked in the rearview mirror and there it was again. Sam stepped on the gas, opened his window, and matched Henry’s insults and then some. This only added fuel to the fire in Henry’s eyes, and the chase took on an even more perilous angst.
But just as suddenly as it had all begun, it came to an abrupt, screeching halt. Henry stopped and got out of his car, and was surprised to see Sam pull up right alongside him. The two men marched right into the same building. Then into the same elevator. There were raised brows as they glared at one another. Both were utterly bewildered as they walked out of the elevator and through the same door.
The truth became apparent as they began to speak in civil tones: Henry the supplier and Sam the customer were running late to meet each other.
Why get mad or hate someone? You never know when you might need the assistance of the very people you were once mad at! Our roads cross and merge on the highways of life and you never know where or when you may need someone you were once mad at, as Henry and Sam discovered in this interesting story. This is why Jesus says: “Love your enemies … and pray for those who insult you.”
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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