The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7:1-2

‘What goes around comes around,’ it is said. Be careful not to point the finger at another person for you might get three fingers pointed back at you.

The Lord tells us not to judge one another if we wish to avoid being judged ourselves. No one is perfect; we all fall short in one way or another; so, try to avoid judging others.

If only we could see into the heart of another person; if only we could walk in the shoes of another whom we are quick to judge; how different things would be? Judging others without trying to understand them, is to engage in hypocrisy, says the Lord.

“Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own,” he says. It is only by getting rid of the beam that blinds your own vision that you can “see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.”

In today’s gospel, Jesus invites us to shine the light of criticism on ourselves whenever we feel the urge to judge someone else; not that we might condemn ourselves but that we might grow in compassion and understanding. We should have compassion for people who experience the same weaknesses as ourselves. It is well known that people tend to criticize others for the very weaknesses they themselves possess. This unfortunate, human perversity is called: projection; that is, the tendency to see in others the faults we ourselves possess.

Letting the light shine on our own failings rather than on the failings of others, can have marvelous spiritual benefits for all of us.

1. It can show us the need for repentance; the need to turn away from our own wrongdoing in order to change; in order to follow the example of Christ.
2. It can prevent us from judging others unfairly because of our awareness of our own faults. As the saying goes, ‘those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.’

Judging others is a negative activity, and is a waste of time for the true Christian whose calling it is to show the compassion of Christ towards everyone.

Fr. Hugh Duffy