The gospel of Mark, chapter 12:26-27

Jesus was asked a trick question by the Sadducces regarding a woman who was married seven times and went to heaven. At the resurrection, they asked: “whose wife will she be?”

Jesus replied that at the resurrection, people “neither marry nor are given in marriage” because they are “like the angels in heaven.” The important question, Jesus emphasized, was not what happens after death but what is happening now; how people respond like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to God’s will. God is not a God of the dead but of the living. God is here among us; he is in his word, in the sacraments, and in his people.

How often people worry over what will happen tomorrow; what will happen after they die? It is better to focus on the present; it is better to enjoy the wonders of nature, the company of loved ones and the blessings of the Lord’s word in our lives than to worry about the future which only God knows.

Make space for God in your real lives now and He will take care of the rest.

Fr. Hugh Duffy