Gospel of John, chapter 10:16
St. John’s Gospel, chapter 10, makes reference to sheep that are not of Jesus’ fold. “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.” (John 10:16). What does this mean? Who are the other sheep that do not belong to His fold? It is unfortunate that Christians are split into different denominations or sects, all claiming to be the Church that the Lord founded. This is not what the Lord intended. He wants all His followers to belong to Him, so let us work and pray for the unity of all Christ’s followers in one fold or Church. The critical question is: how do we bring this about?
First things first: The Kingdom that Jesus came to bring about is a spiritual kingdom, a kingdom of the heart where the love of Christ takes root. In other words, the Church in its purest sense, is Christ in you. This is what St. Paul meant when he declared: ” I live, now not I, but Christ lives in me.” ( Galatians 2: 20 ) When Christians let Christ into their lives; when they reject the false values of the world, and follow Christ as their Master; then you have the essential Church. What a contradiction it is to see Christians hating and persecuting each other because of their fanatical allegiance to one denomination or another! Is this what Christ preached? What would He have to say about the wars and atrocities that Christians, over the centuries, have inflicted upon each other, and upon peoples of other faiths, in His name? Did He not say: ” He that lives by the sword shall die by the sword.” ( Matthew 26 : 52 ) Let’s be clear about one thing: to be a Christian is to follow Christ, and the way to do this is ” to love one another as He has loved us.” ( John 13 : 34 )
Secondly, the sheep that do not belong to the fold are those who do not belong to your denomination but are open to the message of Christ, like the Centurion ( Luke 7: 9 ) or the Canaanite woman ( Matthew 15: 21-28 ) in the gospel who were ostracized by the official Church at that time. Yet, they displayed greater faith than those who thought they were already saved. We should never forget that the Holy Spirit is our teacher, and the bible is our text. The Holy Spirit goes wherever He wills, ( John 3: 8 ) and we have no business quenching the workings of the Holy Spirit in the lives of others., whoever they may be. The best we can do is give witness to Christ in our lives, and in doing that, we can be instruments whereby others can be drawn to Him.
There are many different Christians in the world who strive to follow Christ by being faithful to His word, not by lording it over others either psychologically or institutionally, by pulling rank because they belong to a particular denomination. This witness is marvelous to behold because it is the best way to foster Christian unity so that all may be truly one. Thus, the most practical way, I submit, to creating one flock, one fold; to fostering unity among all Christians and indeed with all of humanity, is by living the very Gospel we share in common, and by co-operating together in mind, heart, and deed to create a better world.
The good Christian hears the voice of the good shepherd. By listening to the good shepherd and following His example we are drawn together in unity.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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