“I know you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said.”
Gospel of Matthew, chapter 28: 5-6
If you were an alien from a remote galaxy and had landed on earth when the events of Holy Saturday first happened, how would you have reacted? Perhaps you would be wondering why two men and a woman were wandering around in semi-darkness peeking into an empty tomb. This story is surely understated. But that is the way the author wanted it. The people hearing the story, namely; Christian believers, knew what came before and what happened after. An alien would not be privy to this information. The story of the empty tomb is a story about the resurrection. Even the tomb, even death, could not hold Jesus captive. He rose from the dead.
The faithful Mary Magdalene was the first to arrive at the tomb and she ran to Peter and the other disciple to tell them that the stone had been moved. When the two men arrived, they observed that the tomb was empty. Peter only “saw” the wrappings. The other unnamed disciple “saw and believed.” The name of the other disciple was common knowledge. It was ‘John’ the “beloved” disciple closest to Jesus.
The full implications of the empty tomb are made abundantly clear as the story unfolds. St. John departs from the tomb with his “strength renewed.” His faith was not weak, but strong. The early Christians held up St. John as a model of faith. He made the connection between the empty tomb and the risen Christ.
This story was also told to show that the disciples had no part in any premature declaration that Christ had risen. We see St. Peter and Mary Magdalene as confused, and wondering what the empty tomb meant. They communicated this confusion and doubt to the other disciples when they reported what they saw. It was only much later, after constant testing of their faith, and after Jesus presented Himself as the risen Lord, that the disciples came to believe. And this belief transformed their lives from a frightened bunch of hangers-on to a committed group of Christians.
As we celebrate the triumph of Jesus over the pale tomb of death this Holy Saturday, let us also respond, in faith, by triumphing over death to sin and rising with Him to new life.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
* * * Do not miss tomorrow’s blog on Easter * * *
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