Signs “This is an evil people! They ask for a sign, but none will be given them.” February 19, 2014 10783 Views Gospel of Luke, chapter 11:29 Have you ever noticed there are some people whose word you will believe but not …
Signs “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find.” November 29, 2011 15590 Views Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7:7 Twenty four years ago, at Passover/Easter time, I was living in New York, serving as …
Signs “This is an evil age. It seeks a sign. But no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” October 20, 2011 13802 Views Gospel of Luke, chapter 11:9 St. Paul once remarked that Jews demand signs, but Christians proclaim Christ who was crucified …
Signs “Some of the Scribes and Pharisees then spoke up, saying: Teacher, we want to see you work some signs. Jesus answered: an evil and unfaithful age is eager for a sign! No sign will be given it but that of the prophet Jonah.” August 23, 2011 12046 Views The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 12:38-40 In today’s gospel passage, the Scribes and the Pharisees are demanding that Jesus “work …
Signs “By patient endurance you will save your lives.” October 15, 2010 13691 Views The Gospel of Luke, chapter 21:19 Year in and year out, somebody takes on the task of naively reading the …
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