As we enter the Advent season once again, lets turn our hearts and minds towards Renewal. The Advent wreath candles, three purple and one pink, are symbols of a journey of renewal over the Sundays leading up to Christmas, but the real journey lies within us. On this First Sunday, we set out filled with anticipation and spiritual preparation for the birth of Christ. This journey is not just a remembrance of a historical event but a real, living encounter with Christ. It invites us to turn our hearts and minds over to Him. 

Advent is not just about decking our homes with lights and ornaments. It’s a time to reflect on what it means to welcome Jesus, not just in Bethlehem, but into our own lives.  It serves as a gentle reminder of our imperfections and calls for constant improvement. No one is perfect; thus we need constantly to grow spiritually, to be renewed through Christ amidst our daily routines. Take time to pause, reflect, and strive to become better versions of yourself, to step outside your comfort zone, and let others into your world. It could be as simple as showing kindness to a stranger, to a lonely person, providing support to the homeless, a smile for your neighbor. This season encourages us to break free from complacency by spreading love and goodwill beyond our usual circles. 

The essence of Advent lies in transformation within, the renewal of our spirits. It means listening to Christ’s teachings and embodying them in our dealings with others. It means being prepared, not just outwardly, but inwardly. It means sharing the gift of presence, of truly being there for one another. It means being attentive to the needs of the sick, the lonely and the vulnerable, extending a helping hand and a compassionate ear to everyone we meet. Read the scriptures during Advent, seeking wisdom and guidance, and live out those teachings in your daily lives. In doing so, you grasp the true meaning of the season.

At the heart of Advent is joy, not superficial or showy, but a deep-rooted, genuine expression of the spirit of Christ. In a world often weighed down by darkness and despair, Advent reminds us that we can rise above the cruelties of life. A smile, simple and sincere, can be our greatest asset. Let us not allow the challenges and complexities of life to overshadow the joy that resides within us. Instead, let’s radiate that joy, illuminating the lives of those around us with the light of Christ’s love.

Vigilance is key during Advent. As we engage in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, let us make a conscious effort to see Christ in the faces of those around us. Whether it is a family member, a friend, a stranger, or even an adversary. Let us strive to extend love, grace, and forgiveness to all. During this season, parents can get bogged down, trying to please their children with expensive gifts. But the best gift to give your children is to love them, to be there for them in good times and in bad. No packaged gift, lacking love’s content, will ever be a substitute for love itself. 

And so, the First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a sacred journey towards a deepening of Christ’s birth in us. It is a time of introspection, renewal, and anticipation. As we embark on this path, let us constantly strive for repentance and personal improvement, extending goodness by sharing the joy of the Lord’s good news.

May this season be a time of renewal, as we open our hearts to the presence of Christ and allow His love to guide our thoughts, words, and deeds.

—Fr. Hugh Duffy