On this wonderful occasion of the Dedication of our new parish church, I would like to thank our good parishioners for making it all possible.

We have worked together on this parish church for eight years and, in spite of a bitter recession that slowed us down a bit, we have managed, with God’s help, to keep going and to build a church, debt free. It has been a rocky and slippery road for much of the way, but God has always been there to bear us up; to help us surmount obstacle after obstacle; and eventually to lead us to this glorious day.

Building a church is a marvelous endeavor, but it is no immaculate conception. It takes hard work; generous sacrifice, and a good deal of persistence to deal with the unexpected upsets and problems to be solved. The Lord never promised us a rose garden where we could lie back and rest on our laurels. He promised us a life of sacrificial love with benefits that would last well beyond the joys and sorrows of this life. He promised us Life eternal.

Our new parish Church provides a more adequate worship space for the parishioners of Sacred Heart today, and in the years to come when many of us will have passed away.

I cannot find the words to adequately thank the good parishioners of Sacred Heart who have helped, and supported the parish over the last eight years with prayers and generous contributions towards the building of our new parish church.

May the Lord bless you, and keep you all the days of your lives.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Hugh Duffy, Pastor