In the story of Lazarus, we see Jesus visiting the home of his dear friends, Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus, who had passed away. Martha, grieving and confused, approached Jesus and accused him of not arriving soon enough to save her brother’s life. But Jesus used this opportunity to teach Martha and all his followers an important lesson.

He reminded Martha that the Resurrection is for the living, not just something that happens after we die. Jesus didn’t just come to save us from our sins, he came to give us new life, here and now.

This is a powerful message that we can all take to heart. We do not have to wait until we die to experience the Resurrection. We can experience it at this moment. We can choose to live our lives with the knowledge that we are loved by God, and can be a light to others.

Soon we will celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. This event is not just a ceremony but a real-life event that can be experienced every day of our lives.

The Resurrection is a game-changer. It introduced a new era, the era of God’s kingdom on earth which is life-changing and moves us to change our attitudes informed by Christ’s Beatitudes, and to reach out and help others in accordance with his teachings.

The Resurrection means “putting on Christ” as St. Paul says. It is not enough to give lip service or go to church as a sense of duty. It is about having the proper attitudes and doing unto others as we wish them to do unto us. Let us not forget that the Resurrection is real for us right now. Let us experience this new life by following the example of the Lord.

As Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” This is a profound message that reminds us that the way we treat others, especially those who are less fortunate than us, is an example of our love for God.

This message is especially relevant in our world today where we are facing so much uncertainty and fear. But we can choose to live with purpose, by reaching out to our neighbors, and by living our lives like the Resurrection is already here, because it is.

So let us take this message to heart and live our lives with the proper attitudes and by engaging in works of love to help those in need. In this way, we can make a real impact on our world and transform the lives of those around us.

The best way to celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday is to live it now when we have the opportunity to put it into practice.

— Fr. Hugh Duffy