The Gospel of Luke, chapter 13:6

Christianity is not a theory or ideology but a way of life. Throughout the Gospels, a constant theme of the preaching of Jesus is that his message must bear fruit; it must usher into our lives a new lifestyle based on the beautiful example of Jesus. Today’s Gospel story is about the fig tree that was unable to bear figs. Like any sensible gardener, the one in the Gospel story decided to cut the fig tree down so that it should not “clutter up the ground”. On second thought, he decided to give the fig tree another chance by cultivating the ground around it so that it might grow figs. If this did not work, he thought, then he could cut it down without remorse.

The story of the fig tree is to be applied to the story of our lives. We exist in this world to be fruitful examples of good living. Like the fig tree, we must bear good fruit. God is compassionate and understanding of human weakness. He knows that we don’t always live productive lives. He does not abandon us if we diverge from the straight and narrow path, fall into sin, or reject the inspirations of grace. In the single lifetime of an individual, God’s forgiveness and understanding is without measure. All that is asked of us is a good disposition and desire to cooperate with grace, with the example of Jesus, so that our lives can be better.

Today’s Gospel story does not declare the outcome of the life of the fig tree; that is, whether it was able to respond to the loving care of the gardener who provided it with ideal soil in which to grow or whether it simply withered away and died. The gardener in the story resembles the sympathetic care and attention of God who favors everyone even in their weakest moments. The onus is on the Christian or follower of Christ to demonstrate a good disposition by following the example of Jesus and leading a fruitful life.

Taking a lesson from the fig tree, we should try to unclutter our lives of needless preoccupations and center them on following the example of Christ by reaching out to our brothers and sisters in need.

We must try to bear good fruit.

Fr. Hugh Duffy