The Gospel of John chapter 15:12
Today’s scripture has to do how we see those around us and how we interact with them. When Jesus was asked about what is the greatest Commandment, he replied “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” That gets to the key of things. Too often we take a narrow view of this and limit those we call neighbor. Most often we do this by only associating with those that are exactly like ourselves. This can be made up of race, nationality, denomination, political affiliation, tribal affiliation, social status, education status, etc. When we do things like this we are not following the lead and example of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He could have easily just hung around the rich and powerful, yet he preferred the company of those that society deemed as outcasts.
If we are to follow the Commands of God, and as explained further by Christ while He was here on earth, we are to show a Christ like love and acceptance to everyone we come across. This does not mean we are to absolve everyone of every sin, no what this says is that we are to love them as we love ourselves, for they are our neighbors. We are called to be like Christ and to love the sinner, not the sin. We are called to be examples and guides to those that have sinned so that they may repent of it, turn it over to Christ, and begin a renewed life.
In today’s post-modern world, this message is being pushed down as Satan and his minions have convinced the world that certain sins are the norm and if we don’t accept the sin with the sinner then we in actuality hate the sinner. That is not the message I preach or the message that Christ taught. If this message of Satan’s was true then Christ would have never came to earth in the first place. Sin is sin regardless of the type or style, and it is an abortion in the sight of God the Father. God loves us, but detests the sin. That is why Christ came to the earth. As an example of the Father’s love for us and as a way for us to remove that taint of sin from us as He now looks at us through the filter of His Son, for those that have accepted Christ as their Savior.
Therefore as you go about things today, ask yourself if you are modeling Christ in how you interact with others. Do you love the sin or do you love the sinner? Which one are you giving higher priority to? I pray that you will love the sinner and in that Christ like love that you will work to help them to find a way to turn the sin over to Christ, repent truly of it, and then seek out a new life walking in the footsteps and shadow of our great and eternal guide, Jesus Christ.
Larry Barnhill
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