Psalm 148: 7-10
Scripture summons all creation to praise the Lord: heavens, angels, sun, moon, clouds, weather, mountains, trees, animals, and all sorts of human beings.
We do not have to take this in a literal way, as if whales and sharks and dolphins might all of a sudden start singing God’s praises. But, how do sea creatures praise the Lord?
A little girl, Kara, was working on a school project on grey whales. The timing of her project was such that it was possible for her actually to see grey whales as they migrated along the coast of Southern California. So she went with her family on a whale watching trip, and spent two hours with an expert guide, looking for whales, but without any luck. The company guaranteed whale sightings, however, so they were able to take a second trip for free. Once again, no whales. But this time they saw dolphins, hundreds of dolphins, many playing in the wake of the ship. They were jumping, flying, flipping, and frolicking. It was an amazing sight. They were praising God in their own way.
In Key West, there is a wonderful exhibition that’s offered every year to willing participants called: “Swimming with the Dolphins.” It is a totally playful activity involving dolphins and humans playing together in the water. I don’t suppose that these dolphins are thinking about God as they play. But God is thinking about them and is glorified as they use their natural abilities, their God-given abilities to play. When large sea creatures jump out of the water just for fun, they are doing that for which they were created. They are praising God through play.
Scripture teaches that man must earn a living through the sweat of his brow. Surely, we glorify God when we use our abilities to do good work. But we are also made to play, to run and jump, to dance, and to laugh. We too can glorify God when we play, delighting in his creation, offering ourselves to Him in all that we do, in work, and in rest, in prayer and in play. Look at the athletes at the Olympics in London! What grace and beauty they display in body and form! Surely, it is a way of praising God for His marvelous human creation.
The lesson here is that we praise the Lord when we play; when we laugh and make others laugh. Have you noticed how little animals love to play with their masters? It brings the best out of them and their masters through the joy of play.
Take time to play; to enjoy the wonders and marvels of nature, on Earth and in the Heavens.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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