Gospel of Luke, chapter 2:22

A social researcher was conducting a study of an Amish village. The Amish live in traditional rural villages in America far from industrialization and technology; they have no computers, televisions, refrigerators or telephones. In his study of the Amish village school, the researcher noticed that the children never screamed or yelled. This surprised him, so he decided to check it out with the teacher. He told the teacher that he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and asked him why that was so? The teacher replied, “have you ever heard any Amish parent yell?” The message was clear: Like parents, like children.

In today’s scripture (Luke 2:22) we read about the parents of Jesus who make the long journey to Jerusalem to present their firstborn child in the Temple as the law of Moses required. In the image of Joseph and Mary
presenting Jesus in the Temple, we have a wonderful model of husband and wife united in practicing the faith and in raising their child in the faith.

We read that “When the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord”(2:22) Joseph and Mary are presented as people who keep God’s laws. Moreover, they are presented as doing it together. It is easier to walk in the ways of God when husband and wife walk it together with their children and encourage each other along the way. The book of Ecclesiastes says: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, the other can help him up. But pity the man who falls down and has no one to help him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). Joseph and Mary are companions in the journey of life, but especially in their journey of faith.

Some people wonder why the baby Jesus, who was not in a position to say yes or no, should be initiated into the Jewish religion without his consent? This is a problem also for those who question the value of infant baptism. They feel that baptism has no value until a child reaches the age of reason and then is able to decide for oneself. But this is not the example that Mary and Joseph are giving in Luke, chapter 2. The concern about Jesus’ presentation in the Temple, like the concern about the value of infant baptism, are born out of an exaggerated individualism in modern society. In the biblical era, people saw the whole family as one . The question of husband, wife and child acting independently was unthinkable. Thus we hear in the Acts of the Apostles that when certain men and women were converted, they were baptized together with their entire household (Acts 16:15, 31; 18:18).

If parents are to provide their children with the basic necessities of life, what is more basic than one’s faith in God? It is true that faith is a gift, and only God offers us that gift. We don’t merit it for it is God’s gift to us. But, the gift of faith can be nurtured in us through the example of those who possess it. That is why the example of parents is so vital in the upbringing of children. No parent would think of allowing their children to decide whether they want to go to school or not; whether they want to learn the same language or not; whether they want to be a citizen of their country or not. These decisions are made for them, knowing very well that when they grow up, they may decide to follow a different path. This family unity is what we see today in the example of Joseph and Mary who presented Jesus in the Jewish Temple.

The example of Joseph and Mary, and the example of the Amish community, show us that the best way to raise children is not by shouting at them but by showing them the way by example.

Fr. Hugh Duffy