Gospel of Mark, chapter 4:26
The growth of the kingdom of God is a gradual process; it cannot be hurried or manipulated for it follows God’s hidden flow, not ours. The parable of the growing seed in Mark 4:26-29 addresses this important aspect of the kingdom. We are told that God’s kingdom is like a man who “scatters seed in a field. He sleeps at night, is up and about during the day, and all the while the seeds are sprouting and growing.” (Mark 4:26-27).
One of the problems with contemporary society is the urge to achieve quick results; to have things happen at break-neck speed. There can be a positive side to this as far as technological developments are concerned. The world wide web, for example, has made it easier to connect with greater numbers of people all over the world. It is because of this echnological development that I am privileged to disseminate my daily scriptural messages or blogs to an expanding readership in different countries and languages.
When it comes to our spiritual growth, however, there is no quick fix. We are obligated to pass through all the intermediary stages of growth. This is nature’s law, and we ignore it at our peril. Nobody ever learned a language overnight; it must be mastered gradually, in stages, and through hard work.
The parable of the growing seed puts us in our proper place. It reminds us that God makes things grow; that His providence orders everything to their right end. Even though we can facilitate growth by following the right path, and by tending to the environment in which we are planted, only God can makes things grow.
In the final analysis, the victory is God’s who brings to fruition His kingdom in His own time.
Thy kingdom come!
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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