Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6:25
Is anything keeping you awake at night? Do you wake up in the middle of your sleep worrying about something?
We are so troubled by the many things we need to do, and by the things we should have done, that we forget the one thing that is truly important – Resting in God’s presence.
Do you recall the story of Martha and Mary in the gospel? [Luke:10:38-42]. Martha was the one that was constantly rushing around and worrying about how much she had to do, while Mary simply sat at the feet of Jesus and rested in His Presence.
In today’s hectic world, we might compliment Martha for her diligence, and reprimand Mary for her lack of responsibility. Yet, look at what Jesus said when Martha complained to Him: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, and Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)
You see, we are often so troubled by what we need to do, that we forget we should simply rest in the presence of the Lord, and allow Him to fill us. The world says that we have to work and toil constantly, but God says something different. Yes, we are to labor and be productive, but there is also a time to rest. Scripture says that God rested on the seventh day after He completed His creation.
Why then are there so many sleepless people in towns and cities around the world?
Is it because there is so much on our minds? I think so! Our minds are not at rest for they are swirling with worldly anxieties, problems, fears, and distractions.
We are constantly worried about what we did yesterday; what we should have done today; and what we need to do tomorrow. Yet, the Lord says that it is useless to worry about your life.
The interesting thing is that if you rest or abide in the Lord’s presence, you will become more productive. As ironic as it seems, we are often less productive when we keep rushing around, toiling and working, and burning ourselves out. But when we learn to rest in the Lord’s presence, everything seems to work out by itself. This is what the Lord has said in His scripture, “Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”(Psalm 127:1)
Cast your cares upon the Lord and witness the miracles that will happen in your life if you abide in His presence.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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