Gospel of Mark, chapter 10:25

During Jesus’ time, there was a small gate breaching the walls of Jerusalem that was known as the “eye of the needle”. Unencumbered, a person could pass through this gate, but a camel loaded with goods was effectively locked out. Only by having its cargo unloaded and getting down on its knees, could a camel be pulled through this gate, known as the “eye of the needle.”

In today’s gospel, Mark 10:17-30, we find Jesus offering a gift to a wealthy man too encumbered to accept it. The young man who approached Jesus clearly was seeking the Kingdom of God. In fact, his long adherence to the commandments proves as much. Jesus appreciated the young man’s good intentions, but he pointed out the one impediment to his becoming part of God’s Kingdom–his attachment to wealth and riches. The young man had not the will to lay aside his cargo of material things. Sadly, Jesus pointed out how this burden would bulge and bloat to camel-size and hinder the way to God’s Kingdom.

Every one of us is carrying some kind of baggage; a darling little vice, a prized possession that burdens us and keeps our hearts from being open to receive the gift of God’s Kingdom.

Whatever the thing is in your life that prevents you from following the Lord; whether it is money, a car, your career, know that it is dulling you and tarnishing your spirit. Don’t let this happen to you; don’t let these things pull you down.

Let go of your burden. Let God gift you. Like other wise, grateful and open-spirited people, slip through the needle’s eye and come sparkling into the Kingdom of light.

Fr. Hugh Duffy