The Gospel of Luke, chapter 2:10
Have your ever felt so discouraged, alone and afraid, that you wondered if anyone, even God, could help you? Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune’ that you were close to despair? Confronting times like these is part of most human lives.
Jesus became like us in all things except sin. He felt as we feel. He experienced our discouragement, our loneliness and our fear. He, too, was overwhelmed by the outrages of life and knew temptation. We have a brother in Jesus who has gone before us and suffered as we do. We have a brother who overcame fear and loneliness and offers us help in doing the same.
Science and technology have achieved many wonderful things. There is more to eat, good medical care, all kinds of conveniences and a scientific knowledge of the universe which surpasses that of any people in the past. Yet, these advances and blessings are only shared by a minority of the world’s population. It seems that technological know-how has blinded us, even given the impression that all life’s mysteries have been penetrated. Many people today unwittingly believe this, and fall into despair when they become disillusioned.
In the real way, science and technology have assumed an inordinate place in many of our lives. For some people, they have replaced God. When they fail to help, people often give up. But, we should not put our trust in such passing things. Put your trust in God. God did not promise to remove all suffering and temptation from our lives. He promised to walk with us in the midst of temptation and He exhorts us not to be afraid for His good news will restore our joy, even in times of trouble.
Crisis situations can be opportunities for growth. It is our times of trial that help us understand who we are and where we are going with our lives. Let us examine our lives, confront temptation, and make a choice between the good news and the old news that trusts the attractions of the world.
Fr. Hugh Duffy
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