The Gospel of Mark, chapter 12:17

The constitution of the United States beautifully acknowledges the separation of Church and State. And, for good reason.

In chapter twelve of the gospel of Mark, Jesus replies to a question from his critics, who believed in a theocratic State, that we have a twofold obligation; one to the State and one to God.

A good State is made up of good individuals.

The mission of the church is to cultivate good individuals; that is, individuals who represent the highest standards of human behavior in their private and public lives.

The function of the State is to promote the common good, irrespective of one’s race, religion, sex or background.

State and Church complement each other when they are true to their mission; yet, they are independent of each other because they have different functions. The function of the State is to build up and protect society; the function of the church is to develop the kingdom from within.

Thus, the Lord says: “Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”

Fr. Hugh Duffy