Perseverance means never giving up. Without perseverance you cannot achieve anything in life. Jesus praises perseverance in following his new life of the gospel, insisting: “By your perseverance you will secure your lives” ( Luke 21 : 28 ).
The biggest failure in life lies in giving up. If you’re flirting with the idea of giving up, you will be throwing away your best future. History has shown that the greatest things in life have been accomplished by men and women who kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope.
I’d like to share with you a story about a man who decided to give up on everything: his job, his hobbies, his relationships, even his God. But, before he jettisoned everything, he went into the woods to have one last talk with God.
“God”, he asked, “can you give me one good reason not to quit?”
“Look around you,” God said, “do you see the fern and the bamboo?”
“Yes,” the man replied.
“When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light and I gave them water. The fern grew quickly and its brilliant green covered the earth. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But, I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful, but again nothing came from the bamboo, but I did not quit on it. It was only in the fifth year that a tiny sprout emerged from the earth where the bamboo seed was planted. Compared to the fern it seemed small and insignificant. But just six months later the bamboo rose to over one hundred feet tall. It had spent five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.”
“What are you telling me?” asked the man.
“I’m telling you I do not give any of my creations a challenge they cannot handle.”
“How does this apply to me?” asked the man, frustratingly.
“All the time you have been struggling,” God said to the man, “you have actually been growing roots and these roots will make you strong. I did not quit on the bamboo and I will not quit on you. Your time will come to rise high”.
“How high should I rise?” the man asked.
“How high should the bamboo rise?”
“As high as it can?” the man replied.
“Yes,” God said. “It is my will that you will rise as high as you can”.
The man left the forest, renewed in hope, convinced the tide would surely turn in his life if he didn’t give up. The challenges strewn along the paths of life are meant to test your mettle, to see if you’re made of stronger stuff. The moment you feel the greatest anxiety tempting you to quit is the perfect moment to persevere. God never gives you more to endure than you can handle.
Never give up.
—Fr. Hugh Duffy
Tom Walsh
Thank you Fr. Hugh for sharing this story and the reassurance it offers to persevere. It is very much appreciated. Comes at a very good time in my life. God Bless You and Your Ministry. Tom
Hugh Duffy
Glad you draw inspiration from my blogs, Tom.
Thank you Fr. Duffy. This was exactly what I needed to see this morning. I’m a mom of 3 currently battling lung cancer with disease progression to my brain. After surgery and 32 cycles of chemo my body is tired. But I’m launching a business next week that I originally dreamed of 3 years ago and have had doubts and fears about all of it. This is a great reminder to persevere!
Hugh Duffy
No need to fear or be in doubt after what you’ve been through, Amy. Your roots are long and strong and hopeful. Now that you see the mountain, follow your vision. I’ll be praying for you.
Tony Scott
Awesome has always!
Hugh Duffy
Always good to hear from you, Tony.
Bartholomew Okere
Fr. Duffy, a classic story of perseverance cum determination you showcased. I myself had such experience in my life journey when I nearly gave up in life but had an intervention from Our Lady, Blessed Virgin Mary who said to me not to give up but to persevere. I did what she said, & was lifted up & grew stronger & became motivated. Thanks for your wkly catechesis.
Thanks for your usual uplifting message Father Duffy prayers for all especially Amy
Hugh Duffy
Sometimes, it takes a striking intervention as Bartholomew Okere points out in his life, not to quit.Let’s pray for Amy.
Because of you Fr. Duffy and precious Amy, you are in my Heart of Perseverance. Father God Thy will be done.
Hugh Duffy
So kind of you, Patricia. Be Blessed.
Adriana Contreras
Como siempre un placer leer su blog y su catequesis tan atinada. Dios lo siga bendiciendo. Mis oraciones con Amy también. Toda una guerrrera. Dios bendiga ese nuevo negicio que estas por iniciar Amy. Dios te bendiga 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Andy Cassell
Fr Duffy.
Thank you! Strength and hope were renewed today while reading your article on ‘Perseverance,” listening to the accompanying music,’ and reflecting on my dad who recently passed away. My dad would often say, ‘Never give up’ and it felt like he was speaking to me through you. So, thanks to you Fr Duffy and to all of your faith community.